Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2017

ein begleitkärtchen machte sich mit den bagtoppern von gestern auf den weg...

der fanti soll einfach liebe grüße überbringen...., die farben seiner kleidung hqabe ich dem etwas bunten hintergrundpapier angepast, grins...
euch einen schönen dienstag...eure patty

passt zu folgenden challenges:
artistic inspirations
my creativescoop
crafting from the heart
incy wincy designs
pammies inky pinkies
path of positivity 
this litte elefant is bringing a flower to someone, if you give something to another, we help, we can bring him a smile or some else... this is what i read again give something and you get love back you can read it in the bible or in much other books...
the paper nest dolls
stamped blessings

3 Kommentare:

  1. Such a cute image! Great colors and patterns framing this little giving elephant! Thanks for sharing at Path of Positivity! ~Katrina

  2. Beautiful Subject and fabulous card!! Thank you for joining us at Incy Wincy Design.

  3. Amazing how you found such a perfect background paper to match the color and design of your elephant image! Thanks for entering the HeARTful Stamping Challenge!
